"Every child is potentially the light of the world".
I believe that children´s inner gems can be unearthed regardless of what difficulties they may be going through. Work with children is so rewarding, because they are so responsive and eager to transform. Every child is special and has been given enhanced abilities to not only compensate for any difficulties they may have but to thrive and contribute something unique to the world because of those challenges. How can we nurture those together?
Parenting opens new vistas and opportunities for growth. I use methods that have been researched to show significant positive effects in helping parents cope with their role. We learn to deal with behavioural issues of children in gentle and creative ways.
I also provide group workshops for couples, mothers and parents. Please see the Steps to Take tab to get more information.
I believe that children´s inner gems can be unearthed regardless of what difficulties they may be going through. Work with children is so rewarding, because they are so responsive and eager to transform. Every child is special and has been given enhanced abilities to not only compensate for any difficulties they may have but to thrive and contribute something unique to the world because of those challenges. How can we nurture those together?
Parenting opens new vistas and opportunities for growth. I use methods that have been researched to show significant positive effects in helping parents cope with their role. We learn to deal with behavioural issues of children in gentle and creative ways.
- Postpartum depression can be a debilitating condition and requires treatment. All the logistics involved with having an infant and getting everything organised to go to an appointment, especially when one does not have the energy can be challenging. Bearing this in mind, I have created “pyjama counselling“, where I make house visits if you live in Ebreichsdorf and we do the assessment, diagnosis and treatment in your home until you feel better enough to come to the practice. Online counselling is also an option.
- The most salient processes in the life of a baby is attachment to a primary caregiver. I believe increasingly in the power of creating secure attachments as a prevention of many problems later in life. I have particular expertise in this area through my work on a research project at the Department of Developmental Psychology at the University of Vienna. Even though the bonding process is instinctual in most cases, sometimes it may need assistance, especially in cases where there has been postpartum depression, other maternal mental illness, divorce, adoption, illness and surprise babies. I work with mum and baby to enhance this connection.
I also provide group workshops for couples, mothers and parents. Please see the Steps to Take tab to get more information.